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Jul 9, 2020

There are four components to the marketing of a business:

  1. You have got customers, or at least prospects that I refer to as traffic.
  2. You need to create opt-ins.
  3. Then you have engagement - that means “are your customers or prospects responding to what you have to say and taking the call to action”?
  4. Then you have conversion – “are they buying your stuff”?

These are really the only four areas where something can go wrong.


Podcast Transcript

There are four components to the marketing of a business:

  1. You have got customers, or at least prospects that I refer to as traffic.
  2. You need to create opt-ins.
  3. Then you have engagement - that means “are your customers or prospects responding to what you have to say and taking the call to action”?
  1. Then you have conversion – “are they buying your stuff”?

These are really the only four areas where something can go wrong.


The worst that can happen to us is “hey, we are not getting any traffic”. Guess what?

If we are running ads and we are not getting any traffic, we are not spending a lot of money anyway, so it is not that bad.

Also, there is a good chance that you know how to fix this - change the ad copy.

Pretty simple, we are just typing – it is not too hard. Typing and talking, a lot easier than sitting there and hoping!

If you are getting traffic but nobody is opting-in, that is also quite simple to fix. Change the copy on the opt-in page or offer a more compelling inducement. Once again, this is just typing and thinking - again not too hard.

Engagement – “are they reading our communication pieces”? If they are not, with good analytics, you will know that immediately and act to fix it with better headlines or stories, case studies and/or examples.

Finally, conversion - your prospects are going to your call-to-action, but they are not proceeding. We change the copy, add an explanatory video, involve our sales staff - whatever - the solutions are plentiful.

So, I hope you can see, the cure of any of the stuff that can and will go wrong is

readily doable, and it is easy to implement. Remember, it is normally just one of these four things.

Half of getting really rich in business through marketing, is knowing which one it is and knowing how to fix it. That is why you need to master this stuff, or perhaps this is something we can do together?