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Apr 29, 2020

How do you know if you have had an encounter with a Black Belt Marketer?

  • Did their message stop you in your tracks?
  • Did you get involved in their story or the message?
  • Did you take action or act on the offer?

If you did these three things after seeing a marketing message or received a marketing email or announcement...

Apr 27, 2020

The Epiphany Bridge is one of the most powerful concepts you can master on your journey to becoming an expert.But you need to add vitality to how you describe it.

  • What were you thinking about?
  • What was your body doing?
  • What were you focusing on?
  • What things happened that led up to that aha moment?

Apr 23, 2020

Andrew Cuomo gave a fabulous speech last night about Reimagining New York.

We can all use this approach as we all go about reopening our lives in the coming weeks, months or even years..

Do we really have to rush back in... as we were, but, can we pause reflect and re enter in a better way. This could be by remembering...

Apr 20, 2020

Amazing products go undiscovered and companies go broke every single year because of people’s opinions. Your opinion does not matter. People are afraid to push the envelope with their marketing because of all the opinions that get in the way.

This podcast shines a light on this major marketing stumbling block.

Apr 13, 2020

If you’re trying to collect leads for a product that isn’t ready yet, you can leverage content that other people have already created to build your email list. This Podcast tells you how.

Podcast Transcript

If you’re trying to collect leads for a product that isn’t ready yet, you can leverage content that other...