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Nov 25, 2019

The Business Law Of Generating New Clients

If you can’t consistently and profitably generate new clients, you’re in a terrible business. Get out.

Please listen to this important Podcast

Podcast Transcript

If you can’t consistently and profitably generate new clients, you’re in a terrible business. Get out.


Nov 19, 2019

How many of you have replied to a marketing email or text or post with something like, “Stop texting and emailing me! It’s too much!”

Listen to this podcast and I will discuss with you another way.

Podcast Transcript

Are You A Student Of Marketing?

How many of you have replied to a marketing email or text or post...

Nov 11, 2019

If you're looking to get free traffic from Instagram, you need to do it systematically and methodically. Otherwise, you're going to end up with mediocre results at best. At worst, you're not going to get any results at all. 

Podcast Transcript

Instagram is undoubtedly one of the fastest ways to reach a huge number of...

Nov 8, 2019

How to use a Christmas campaign for your business! With Christmas fast approaching, you can use Christmas campaigns as a perfect way to help your business.

Give your business the perfect Christmas gift –

I have used this strategy with my business, I have used it for consultants and people who are offering a service...

Nov 4, 2019

A + B Players 

People wrongly assume that to be an expert they need to be the smartest person in the room. But that’s completely backward. 

Your expertise grows when you surround yourself with smart A players who can make you look good.

 Podcast Transcript

A + B Players 

People wrongly assume that to be an expert they...