Nov 25, 2019
The Business Law Of Generating New Clients
If you can’t consistently and profitably generate new clients, you’re in a terrible business. Get out.
Please listen to this important Podcast
Podcast Transcript
If you can’t consistently and profitably generate new clients, you’re in a terrible business. Get out.
I know that sounds harsh. People say to me all the time, “But I have these clients who love me!” and that’s awesome. But it doesn’t make this business law any less true. The second law of thermodynamics—the Law of Increased Entropy— means everything deteriorates.
There’s no standing still in business. You’re either growing or dying.
It’s just how the universe works.
You get an apple and you set it out in the sun, what happens? It doesn’t bloom or become bigger; it deteriorates until it becomes really gross rotten apple.
So if you have a business with existing customers but aren’t continually getting new ones, it’s going to start deteriorating quickly.
You want to be successful in business?
Maybe you don’t love selling, but all people seeking success in business —regardless of industry or niche—need to learn how to sell.
That is your first job as an entrepreneur.
Figure out how to consistently and profitably get new people to give you money. Until you get to $1 million in your business, that is your job.
Your primary Focus..