Feb 28, 2022
Kim Kardashian is one of the top copywriters on the planet - FACT!
Even though she has probably never even heard the word “copywriting”. Nor, ever written a sales letter in her life. And though she may very well not even know what a good ad was if it fell out of the sky and landed in her bosom.
Brands seek her skills.
What makes her one of the best copywriters?
Let’s just put it this way:
Brands offer her circa a million dollars for a single social media post. Think about that: Seven figures for a few sentences of copy, mentioning a brand, selling a bag, cosmetic, or other commodity that probably is not that much more intrinsically valuable than its equivalent at Kmart.
She beats A-lister copy day in day out.
Show me any copywriter, A-list or otherwise, who can do that.
If you summoned the ghosts of David Ogilvy, Gene Schwartz and Gary Halbert, locked them in a secluded cabin with 10 A-list copywriters on the planet today and gave them a year deadline to write a similar tweet, with all the market research modern technology can deliver.
They couldn’t do what KK does with a single tweet.
The reason:
It's not the “copy” doing the selling.
The heavy lifting selling is being done by all the positioning, all the built-up celebrity, all the marketplace leadership, all the cult-like legions of followers, the omnipresence, and all the massive marketplace demand already in place before that copy is written.
The copy merely pitches & asks for the order from there.
Which brings me to the point:
Stop deriding her, stop diminishing, her achievements, they are real.
We need to swallow our pride and see what KK can teach us when it comes to positioning, and I am not talking missionary 🤣