Apr 27, 2020
The Epiphany Bridge is one of the most powerful concepts you can master on your journey to becoming an expert.But you need to add vitality to how you describe it.
Podcast Transcript
The Epiphany Bridge is one of the most powerful concepts you can master on your journey to becoming an expert.
In my case it was back in my fitness days when I started a fact sheet for my clients called Exercise Danger about how not to injure yourself and how to exercise safely – turned out the fact sheet was so useful and timely because at the time the Jane Fonda home aerobics tapes were very popular and lots of people were hurting themselves – so people started passing my fact sheet all around the community. Soon I was getting interviewed by newspapers, radio stations, I had a 6 week insert into a national magazine called The Womans Weekly (my mother was so proud) and I even scored a regular weekly segment on TV as the safe fitness guy.
But the best thing was my little local fitness business was booming and I had more clients that I could handle because I was seen as the Expert – The Authority – The person to trust to get you fit but not hurt you along the way
AND that was when my Epiphany my AHA moment that hit me – positioning yourself or your business is the best way to market Full Stop
– do it properly and you are Unstoppable in business.
It was this Epiphany that led me to realise that eventually I would age and one day I would not be the strapping fitness guy I was back then, but instead if I started teaching people how to position their businesses or themselves into the Authority position or better still actually worked with clients and did it for them – I could help so many people but I could also make a pretty decent living out of it as well.
Now I hope you see what I have done with this story – it’s not just the story but the way I tell it.
it’s all about what I like to call Vitality.
Have you had a friend tell you a story and they’re like, “The most amazing thing happened ever! It changed my whole life.” They tell you the thing and you’re like,
“That’s it? Really, that’s not a big deal.”
Same thing happens when you have a bad dream and you try to tell someone about it the next day but they look at you like you’re a wimp. The reason this happens is because you suck at storytelling and you lack vitality.
Ha. Sorry, but it’s true.
The reason that dream or moment was so incredible was not because of WHAT happened, but because of HOW it made you feel—the state of being you were in when it happened. In other words the vitality of the moment or the state you are in…
Now back when I was doing my radio training from my ex BBC presenter - radio coach. He used to teach you how to get into a state instantly.
There are three components you need to get “into state”—your physiology, your focus, and your meaning.
So if you want to get into a happy state, you need to adjust what your body is doing, what you’re thinking about, and your active focus. When you tell stories, you must retrace your path back to the moment you had the epiphany about your product or service.
That’s how you create a new “state” or exude vitality for your prospects.
When you get them to feel the same way you did, you can close any sale.
Remember, people buy with emotions and then they justify the purchase with logic.
Lead with your Epiphany Bridge story and use features and bonuses to help your prospect justify it.