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Jul 22, 2023

One of the most profound concepts I came across recently was attributed to a Ty Cobb quote (arguably one of the best baseballers ever) that is easily applied to marketing and business:

"Speed is a great asset; but it's greater when it's combined with quickness and there's a big difference."

He was talking about positioning yourself in a game, so you don't have to be necessarily fast, but you are already "there waiting" before the pitch because you are gifted enough to read the cues.

But in business this concept can be as simple as leveraging others with bigger, more prestigious, and more celebrity-like brands. 

Are certain Nike shoes any more intrinsically valuable because Michael Jordan's name is on them? 


But with that name, they ooze value, prestige, and talent. Thus, people line up at night to pay through the nose for them. 

Same with a brand Kim Kardashian promotes on Twitter or Instagram. She has created entire million-dollar brands for brand new Startups just because she advertised it, and not because the brand is any better or even is any good (aka her recent crypto promotions). 

This is how you cut in line (or speed things up) on your way to success in marketing. 

You can spend years and decades slugging it out or you can find ways to get there faster. 

One way to do it faster is to only associate, do business with, and joint venture with high quality, prestigious, & expensive offers, businesses, or brands. 

Don't sell cheap, appeal to cheap, or be anything but hostile and antagonising towards all-things cheap. 

That alone can elevate your business by default, and you are actually expected to charge more. 

It would be a weird disconnect if Michael Jordan's name was slapped on a pair of $10 sneakers or if Kim Kardashian promotes a $17 bag you can find at Kmart. 

That's how you want your own brand to stand out: as high quality, high prestige, and, yes, high priced.

This is why the front of magazines always has the glitzy brands in the first 6 or so pages. They all need to be seen with each other.

So here is the question - who are you or your business seen with? 

Think about the answer it matters a lot.