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Jun 18, 2020

When I stopped attracting opportunity seekers and instead attracted business owners, everything changed.

Podcast Transcript

When I stopped attracting opportunity seekers and instead attracted business owners, everything changed.

Sometimes you need to look at your marketing messages and see who you are attracting and whether they are appropriate for your business. It’s a little like bait in fishing – the stuff you throw in the water to attract the fish. At the beginning of my career, the bait I tossed out was more about business opportunity rather than business growth.

Things like “Build your first business online” and “How to get started making your first dollar.”

In doing this I built a successful business, but it’s a hard crowd because the opportunity seekers are usually just jumping from idea to idea.

I had to change my bait.

When I introduced double, triple or quadruple your business, it was for an entirely different market.

Opportunity seekers who aren’t business owners aren’t as attracted.

I want people already in business, and it worked!

To create the best bait in your business, first think about who your dream client is.

Write down everything about them, and then figure out what’s going to be most sexy to them.

Cast your net deep rather than wide. You won’t have as many people when you make such specific bait, but those people you catch will be highly qualified.