Mar 31, 2020
There are two ways to build the tallest building in town.
The first way is to go out there and put a lot of sweat and effort and all of this stuff into something and build the tallest building in town.
The second way is to go around to everybody else’s buildings and knock them down, and that way you’re the tallest...
Mar 23, 2020
Survival tactics for tough times
Thinking of everybody in this Podcast. Please look after yourself and do everything you can to refresh, recharge and survive.
Best wishes.
The 4 Key Rules
Rule Number 1 – Do what it takes to survive
Forrest Gump and his shrimp boat miraculously weather the storm – he then profits...
Mar 16, 2020
Don't let the trials and tribulations of business get in the road of what you are great at - this podcast tells you how to and why you should - keep doing what you are gifted at doing.
Podcast Transcript
Do you know what happens when businesses start to grow?
The business owner forgets to protect what they are good...
Mar 10, 2020
When you position yourself in the market as infallible, you’ll stop taking risks in order to avoid looking bad, and this will be the beginning of your end.
This Podcast talks all about the Crime Of Deadly Positioning
Podcast Transcript
The Crime Of Deadly Positioning
When you position yourself in the market as...
Mar 2, 2020
Developing an influence naturally on social media and enhancing your profile on the big platforms isn't going to happen if you don’t have key influencers on your side. Without them growth isn’t going to happen quickly.
Podcast Transcript
Developing an influence naturally includes social media and enhancing your...