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Oct 29, 2019

Protect Your Shelf Space

What is that new business idea or shiny object costing you in terms of focus?

Stores like Coles and Woolworths only have a certain number of shelves. Every single item placed on their shelves is sharply judged based on performance.

If a product doesn’t do well, it’s removed from the shelf...

Oct 22, 2019

You have started your facebook advertising campaign or your Google adwords campaign, but you are still waiting for traffic or waiting for the campaign to bite – you need traffic coming to you – What should you do?

Well this is what I do in fact what I am doing right now?

Listen Up this Podcast will tell you all...

Oct 12, 2019

Have you ever been to the "Best Little Whore House In Texas"? You don't know what you have missed. So much to teach you about marketing. Listen to this episode and learn about all "Dolly" has to offer!

The Power of Brand

The use of voice activation

What you need to do to stay current

Podcast Transcript

Hello Peter...

Oct 8, 2019

There are three zones: the crazy zone, the sane zone, and the prolific zone. Only one of the zones makes money. Guess which one?

This podcast will tell you all about it.

Podcast Transcript

The Prolific Zone

There are three zones: the crazy zone, the sane zone, and the prolific zone. Only one of the zones makes money....

Oct 1, 2019

What You Measure Grows 

Create a scorecard for your business so you can measure your growth.

Athletes do this all the time. They are always working to beat their best times. It’s the same in business. Focus on your metrics so you can beat yourself each month. This works particularly well in your marketing.